Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Google instant messenger is out. Grab it from or use any IM client supporting Jabber protocol (I use Gaim myself) and contact me at

I could not resist posting it. Backstroke of the west! Screenshots from Star Wars Episode translated into Cheenese then back into English as susbtitles. It is so hillarious I almost got "off the hoof" laughing. Every must see these screnshotses. It is absolutely non-bleeding-believeable.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Gym is closed for repairs, I do not lift, only jog occasionally. Nothing to see here till September, move along.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yes, I got my Master of Science diploma. Yay!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Yes, I went to Manowar concert. And yes, it was just as I expected: wonderful.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Today was an almost full body workout because gym is closing for one month on Monday and will have a month off too.

bench press 47.5x10
bench press 57.5x8
bench press 67.5x8
bench press 72.5x8

inclined bench press on Smith's machine 50x10 (I presume the bar is 20kg of weight)
inclined bench press on Smith's machine 60x8
inclined bench press on Smith's machine 60x8
inclined bench press on Smith's machine 60x8

wide grip front pull down 45x8
wide grip front pull down 60x8

seated cable row 60x8
seated cable row 70x8

biceps curl on Scott's machine 40x8
triceps cable push down (superset) 50x8
biceps curl on Scott's machine 50x8
triceps cable push down (superset) 60x8
biceps curl on Scott's machine 50x8
triceps cable push down (superset) 60x8

half an hour squash game

My photo for inserting into profile

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Today was the shoulder day:

dumbbell shoulder press: 16x10
dumbbell shoulder press: 23x4
barbell shoulder press: 42.5x8
barbell shoulder press: 52.5x6
barbell shoulder press: 48.5x8

side dumbbell raise: 8x8
side dumbbell raise: 10x8
side dumbbell raise: 10x8

barbell shrug: 32.5x8
barbell shrug: 42.5x8
barbell shrug: 52.5x8
barbell shrug: 72.5x8

one hour squash game