Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Yes, Manowar is coming to Istanbul, and yes I am going to the concert!

Okay, back to workout, today was the chest day:

flat bench press 42.5x10
flat bench press 52.5x8
flat bench press 62.5x8
flat bench press 62.5x6

incline dumbbell press 17x8
incline dumbbell press 22x8
incline dumbbell press 22x8
incline dumbbell press 22x8

dumbbell flies 11x8
dumbbell flies 12x8
dumbbell flies 12x8
dumbbell flies 12x8

one hour squash game

Monday, July 25, 2005

I stumbled upon this picture on the web. Never seen it before.
Anyways, today was the leg day.

barbell squat whith barbell on front 32.5x10
barbell squat whith barbell on front 42.5x8
barbell squat on smith's machine 40x8
barbell squat on smith's machine 50x8
barbell squat on smith's machine 60x8
barbell squat on smith's machine 70x6
barbell squat on smith's machine 80x3

45deg. leg press 40x8
45deg. leg press 80x8
45deg. leg press 120x8
45deg. leg press 160x8
45deg. leg press 200x3

leg extension with one leg 40x8
leg extension with one leg 45x8
leg extension with one leg 50x8
leg extension with one leg 55x8

lying leg curl 40x8
lying leg curl 45x6

squash game for one hour

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Today was a biceps day.

dumbbell preacher curl 12.5x8
dumbbell preacher curl 12.5x8
dumbbell preacher curl 15.5x6
dumbbell preacher curl 12.5x8

alternate incline dumbbell curl 12.5x8
alternate incline dumbbell curl 12.5x8
alternate incline dumbbell curl 12.5x8
alternate incline dumbbell curl 15.5x8

scott curl 30x8
scott curl 40x8
scott curl 45x8
scott curl 50x8

palms up barbell curl over the bench 17.5x8
palms up barbell curl over the bench 17.5x8
palms up dumbbell curl over the bench 12.5x8
palms up dumbbell curl over the bench 12.5x8

one hour squash.
Yesterday's session:

Yesterday was the back day.
Before session I took 1000 mg of L-Carinitine

one arm dumbbell row 16x10
one arm dumbbell row 22.5x8
one arm dumbbell row 22.5x8
one arm dumbbell row 22.5x8

seated cable rows 55x8
seated cable rows 60x8
seated cable rows 60x8
seated cable rows 60x8

wide-grip lat pulldown 55x8
wide-grip lat pulldown 60x8
wide-grip lat pulldown 60x8
wide-grip lat pulldown 60x8

Then I played squash for one hour as cardio.
While playing squash I consumed my protein shake.

After that I felt still strong so I continued my weight

dumbbell shrugs 22.5x8
barbell shrugs 42.5x8
barbell shrugs 52.5x8
barbell shrugs 52.5x8
barbell shrugs 62.5x6

(I may note that my grip was not stong enough to
continue lifting)

after that still haveing some more strength
I endeavored into stiff-legged deadlifts:

stiff-legged deadlift 52.5x8
stiff-legged deadlift 62.5x8
stiff-legged deadlift 72.5x6
stiff-legged deadlift 82.5x6

Then I felt exhausted and went home.

Today I woke up at 6am in the morning, took 1000 mg of L-Carinitine, and went jogging. My legs are still sore from friday's workout. I ran rather fast finishing a track on olympic stadium in a little more than 2 minutes, but I did not last long. I quit after 15 minutes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Today was the shoulder and triceps day:
took 1000mg l-carnitine

military press (back) 42.5x10
military press (back) 52.5x8
military press (back) 62.5x8
military press (back) 67.5x6

military press (front) 42.5x8
military press (front) 52.5x6
military press (front) 47.5x8

Amazingly enough, on second set my right
shoulder started to fail badly, so I decreased
weight for the 3rd set.

side dumbbell raise 10x8
side dumbbell raise 10x8
side dumbbell raise 10x8
side dumbbell raise 10x8

scullcrush 25x8
scullcrush 25x8
scullcrush 30x8

cable rope overhead tricep extension 40x8
cable rope overhead tricep extension 45x8 (fail)
cable rope overhead tricep extension 40x8

close-grip bench press 32.5x8
close-grip bench press 42.5x8
close-grip bench press 42.5x8
close-grip bench press 42.5x8

one and a half hour squash game.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Yesterday's session:
Bodyweight: 100.2 kg

bench press 40x10
bench press 50x8
bench press 55x6
bench press 50x8

incline dumbbel press 17.5x8
incline dumbbel press 17.5x8
incline dumbbel press 22.5x6
incline dumbbel press 22.5x6

dumbbel flies 12.5x8
dumbbel flies 12.5x8
dumbbel flies 12.5x8

chest muscle stretch by layin on my back on a bench with light dumbbells in my both hands fully extended.

Monday, July 18, 2005

For the lack of initiative of keeping this log and general absence of event in my private life that I would like to share with the world, I decided to write down my weightlifting training details from now on. Let me put this diary to a good use.

I had a serious leg training session on Friday after a long inteval. On Saturday my legs were quite sore. On Sunday I felt pain when I walked and especially when descending the stairs. Today it is still aching. My workout was as following:

Squat 30x10
Squat 40x8
Squat 50x6

All the weights are in kg. Bar is 10kg, although it may be 12.5kg. All the
sqats were done with with barbell on front, as in clean and jerk. Not so
impressive numbers but I did them the right way, all the way down.

Next was legs extension, there I do not remember how much it was.
Somewhere in the middle of the stack. I will be more specific next time.

And I finished off the workout with plain crunches with 10kg plate on chest.

Then I played squash for two hours as cardio, and here is th the result:
I am limping for three days now.

Today I will work out my chest with absolutely no cardio due to sore legs.